25 Jan Subscription Increase
At our AGM in May 2018 it was agreed that the annual subscription for the SRS General Series would be increased from £12.50 to £15 with effect from this October. The fee has not been increased since 1997 and it longer covers the production cost of an individual volume, whilst rapidly increasing postage costs have been exacerbating the problem.
The fee increase applies to Volume 62 and comes into effect on 1st October 2018. Any outstanding subscription fees for Volume 61 still stand at £12.50. For members who pay by standing order, this increase requires them to contact their bank directly to change their standing order. It is not possible for us to do this on your behalf. If you have any queries or require any assistance please contact the Membership Secretary at suffolkrecordssociety@gmail.com or info@suffolkrecordssociety.com